Leek and Speck Risotto

Leek and Speck Risotto

Suggested material offered in store


300g Arborio rice

2 leeks sliced

150g speck (1 thick slice, cut into small cubes)

3 tablespoons of grappa

50 g cheese Montasio grated

1 liter chicken stock (hot)

1 tablespoon butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper



In a large non-stick fry pan, heat olive oil and butter and sauté the leek for about 2 minutes

Add speck and cook for 3-5 minutes

Add the rice to the pan and let roast, mixing well, until the grains become slightly transparent

Deglaze the pan with grappa and let it evaporate before starting to slowly integrate the chicken broth, one ladle at a time. (Let the broth disappear before adding. It’s important not to drown the rice in the liquid for cooking the risotto).

When the rice is al dente (tender but firm at a time), remove the pan from heat and add the cheese Montasio and mix well.

Season with salt and pepper and let stand rice until is cooked (the residual heat of the mixture will finish cooking) Serve the risotto when it’s ready.


4 servings.

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